Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Truth be told


  1. i wish i had the confidence to disagree with these things, but unfortunately i don't so these are very much truths for me too. xx

  2. If that is you in the post below with the socks.. you do not need to lose weight at all. I don't know if it's just that photo, but you look tiny!

  3. That's what I thought, Mademoiselle Melbourne.

    You look great, LH!

    I, however, need to lose weight... I would love for my BF to be able to pick me up and for me to be able to sit on his lap comfortably.

  4. Thanks, LH.
    If you're interested in buying a DSLR to use just as a hobby, I'd recommend buying an entry level one. Canon EOS 1000D is well priced http://www.canon.com.au/en-AU/For-You/EOS-Digital-SLR-Cameras/1000D but if you have the money and would prefer a little bit better the 550D has HD video :) http://www.canon.com.au/en-AU/For-You/EOS-Digital-SLR-Cameras/550D


Thank you for the much needed love. I reply to comments back on your blog if you have one!