Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A dedication to my favorite type of jewelry

credits 1, 2, unknown, 4, unknown

Please let me know if you know where to credit any of the unknown pictures.

The latest addition to the family. I'm committed to only buying sterling silver jewelry now.


  1. funny that, I've just recently converted to gold - fake, real anything gold, really. initially thought it was tacky unless its the real deal but now its taken over the silvers in my collection!

    Re hairspray I grabbed a can from under the bathroom sink (probably been sitting there for 10 years, no joke) called Sculpture =)its a strong hold spray but combs out well.

  2. I like your pictures. They are lovely. I like really like design of rings. These rings are very cool and funky. These kinds of rings are very popular in young generation. I want to buy all of them. They are fashionable and trendy.


Thank you for the much needed love. I reply to comments back on your blog if you have one!