Monday, March 21, 2011

f i n a l l y

This baby is mine!!!!!
On another note, how scary does the model look?


  1. HOT dress!!

    I think my titays would fall out of it though hahaahahahaa

  2. Love it - but yeah, the model does look like she put her eye makeup on in the dark...

  3. Wish I had that much boobs for them to fall out!

    I was eyeing this dress for ages. I was really hoping it would go on sale on the One Teaspoon website. No such luck and ebay prices were pretty much the same BUT patience and google paid off!!!

    <3 <3 <3

  4. SUCH a pretty dress!

    check out my blog and follow me on twitter @zebraandmeerkat x


Thank you for the much needed love. I reply to comments back on your blog if you have one!