Monday, July 11, 2011

No one gives a fuck.

People are shit.

Sometimes, I honestly don't know why I still exist because I have absolutely no love or trust for anyone and the only friends I love and have a connection to are so far away. I'm constantly terrified that my boyf will leave me. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. I'm so guarded, so angry and aggressive all the time. I don't exactly see why I should even be here or anywhere.


  1. Aw, hey... don't be so hard on yourself!

    Sounds to me like you need some love and trust in yourself more than anything.


  2. everything is impermanent, both the good and the bad. your circumstances will change and things will get better. i'm speaking from experience. try to remember that when things go from bad to total shit.

  3. Cheer up love. it will get beter, i promise! And if it's taking too long - finding something cute on sale will life your mood for a while xxx

  4. I know exactly how you feel... It's like you know me..


Thank you for the much needed love. I reply to comments back on your blog if you have one!